HGRC invites applications from innovative scholars in disciplines relevant to digital history or the creative arts to join us for a period as Visiting Fellow and contribute to the aims of the Harry Gentle Resource Centre.

Two Fellowships are available for commencement on 1 July 2025. We offer shared office space, staff access to Griffith University resources and the growing digital resources of the Harry Gentle Resource Centre. An honorarium of $10,000 is attached to each Visiting Fellowship. The duration of the Fellowship is flexible, up to a period of one year.

The Harry Gentle Resource Centre is located within the Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research, and Visiting Fellows will have the opportunity to engage in the Centre’s research events and culture. Conditions of the award include presenting a public lecture and contributing to our publication output in print and digital forms. Funding is contingent on the satisfactory submission of an interim and final report.

Project proposals are due by 31 May 2025 .

Find out more.