The HGRC is delighted to announce the appointment of its 2022 Visiting Fellows. Congratulations to Dr Dorothy Wickham and Dr Deborah Jordan who will join us for 12 months as they undertake original and innovative research.
Dorothy Wickham is a Director of a successful boutique publishing house, educator, author and historian. Dorothy intends to create a comprehensive database and biographical sketches of the immigrants on the Artemisia that arrived in mid-December 1848 carrying the first free settlers from Britain to Queensland. The database has the potential to unlock stories, linkages, and associations that have previously been overlooked and under-researched.
The links between early colonisation and the later successes of the nineteenth century women’s movement is the focus of Deborah Jordan’s project. Some of the women from early colonial families who experienced Queensland’s transition from penal to free settler colony in 1859 went on to play a leading role in the call for women’s rights as the century progressed. Re-visiting the women’s stories will enrich and deepen our understanding of the distinct achievements of the early women’s rights movement in colonial Queensland.
Welcome and congratulations to Dorothy and Deborah. We look forward to learning more about your research during your time with the Centre.