Follow the travels of former HGRC Visiting Fellow Dr Janis Hanley and current HGRC PhD candidate Jan Richardson as they explore the places, lived experience, genealogy, memories and stories of Chinese people in early Queensland on their Facebook page, Journeys into Queensland’s Chinese Past.
Janis and Jan are currently undertaking two projects. First is researching the Chinese residents, businesses and market gardeners of the Annerley-Stephens area in Brisbane, particularly Ekibin and Moorooka. This project is in partnership with Annerley-Stephens History Group Inc. The second is research into the market gardeners of Croydon in Far North Queensland, assisted by a small fellowship from Griffith University.
Follow their journeys at: facebook.com/QldChinesePast
Image: Chinese gravestones in the ‘Other’ section at Croydon Cemetery (Janis Hanley, 2023).